
Ruby 54.2% SCSS 16.4% Slim 12.5% Other 17%


Ruby on Rails application for visualizing and managing web of trust of PGP public keys.



Table of contents

How to build

  1. Enter development environment shell

  2. Install dependencies

    bundle && yarn
  3. Migrate the database

    rails neo4j:migrate
  4. Seed the database with some data

    rails db:seed

How to run

  1. Create following oAuth applications

    1. GitHub - set callback URL to /oauth_identities/github/callback
    2. Twitter - set callback URL to /oauth_identities/twitter2/callback
    3. Discord - set callback URL to /oauth_identities/discord/callback
  2. Recreate the credentials

    rm config/credentials.yaml.enc
    rails credentials:edit
  3. Append client IDs and secrets to the credentials file

     id: ...
     secret: ...
     id: ...
     secret: ...
     id: ...
     secret: ...
  4. Run the external services

    docker compose up
  5. Run the application

    overmind start
  6. App is now running on localhost:3000

How to deploy

  1. Create following oAuth applications

    1. GitHub - set callback URL to /oauth_identities/github/callback
    2. Twitter - set callback URL to /oauth_identities/twitter2/callback
    3. Discord - set callback URL to /oauth_identities/discord/callback
  2. Setup .env file

    cp docker/.env.example docker/.env
  3. Fill the .env file with the credentials

    vim docker/.env
  4. Pull the latest image (or build it locally) ```bash docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml pull


docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml build

5. Run the application
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml up
  1. (First time only) Migrate the database and seed production data

    docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml exec app bundle exec rake neo4j:migrate
    docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml exec app bundle exec rake db:seed
  2. App is now running on localhost:3000

How to use

Sign up flow

  1. Have a PGP keypair
  2. Import the public key into the application /keys/new
  3. Sign in using signature challenge /key_sessions/new

Managing identities flow

  1. Navigate to identities management page /keys/:uuid/edit
  2. Add oAuth idenity using one of the providers
  3. Add and verify email address
  4. Add and verify DNS record

Vouching flow

  1. Navigate to the key you want to vouch for /keys/:uuid
  2. Click on the Vouch button
  3. Confirm vouching checklist
  4. Create key signature using and upload it to the application

Revoking key flow

  1. Navigate to your key /keys/:uuid
  2. Click on the Revoke button
  3. Create and upload revocation certificate

Searchign flow

  1. Navigate to the root page /
  2. Use the search bar to find the key you are interested in (e.g. by email address, DNS record, etc.)
  3. Click on the key to see the details

Trust checking flow

  1. Navigate to the key you want to trust /keys/:uuid
  2. Using the visuaisation check the path of trust from your key to the key you want to trust
  3. Consider key's identities and vouches and optionally contact intermediaries


  • Ruby on Rails
  • gpgme
  • neo4j
  • ElasticSearch
  • Vite
  • Scss
  • Docker
  • NixOS
